Teaming Up Off the Field: Notre Dame and Purdue Research Collaborations

Fri., September 17, 3:30-4:45 p.m., B01 McCourtney Hall

While Notre Dame and Purdue have been long-time rivals on the football field, they also have been long-time partners in the area of research. This panel of three energy-related research teams from the two universities will discuss the advantages and challenges of scholarly engagements, large multi-university grants, and commercialization of inventions and how these activities foster additional research collaborations, funding sources, accountability, and training the next generation of researchers.

Panelists Haifeng Gao, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry (Notre Dame) and Jianguo Mei, associate professor of organic chemistry (Purdue), will focus their remarks on the importance of scholarly engagements to advancing research and fostering research collaborations. William Schneider, Dorini Family Chair of Energy Studies and professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering (Notre Dame) and Rajamani Gounder, Larry and Virginia Faith Professor of Chemical Engineering in the Davidson School of Chemical Engineering (Purdue), have several research projects together and will share their personal experiences working collaboratively on large center and multi-investigator research grants. William Phillip, Rooney Family Collegiate Chair of Engineering, associate professor and director of graduate studies in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Notre Dame) and Bryan Boudouris, professor of chemical engineering in the Davidson School of Chemical Engineering (Purdue), have a joint venture and will discuss how their research collaborations evolved into entrepreneurship. 

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