Building a Healthy Economy from the Bottom Up

Mon., September 20, 7-8 p.m., 101 DeBartolo Hall

Anthony Flaccavento, president of Sequestering Carbon, Accelerating Local Economies (SCALE) and founder of Appalachian Sustainable Development, has over forty years of experience in sustainable community development in Appalachian coal country. He is passionate about rural development, bottom-up economics, and overcoming the rural-urban divide. In his new book, Building a Healthy Economy from the Bottom Up, he explores the need for shifting priorities, starting at the local level, to improve lives and strengthen communities in ways that are better for the Earth and for its inhabitants.

Co-sponsored by ND Energy and the Center for Social Concerns, this presentation will offer ways to approach the theme of the Notre Dame Forum, “Care for Our Common Home: Just Transition to a Sustainable Future.”

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