Transformative Wind

Wind energy is harnessed by large turbines that generate electricity. Wind energy is a renewable resource that is clean and non-polluting, yet large-scale deployment is not economically viable. 

In cooperation with FlowPAC and eWiND, ND Energy has access to two experimental JIMP 25 kW wind turbines manufactured by Jonica Impainti in Lazzano, Italy. These turbines have active pitch control to allow the blades to adjust according to the wind conditions. The rotor diameter is 10m, the hub height is 18m, and the maximum height is 23m. These turbines are located on Notre Dame's campus in White Field. 

ND Energy researchers are working to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of wind turbines through structural redesigns and site locations.  


Structures, Turbines, Wind Engineering

Partner Groups 

Institute for Flow Physics and Control (FlowPAC), Center for Enhanced Wind Energy Design (eWiND)

Faculty Involved