The Energy Career Path of an Economics Major (and Energy Studies and Theology Minors)

Thursday, September 15, 5:00-6:00 p.m., 113 DeBartolo Hall

Kylie Minor (‘19) bounced around a bit as a student at Notre Dame. She switched majors and minors, ending up in economics, energy studies, and theology by the time she graduated. She was also interested in policy and politics. The summer before she graduated, she found herself with Chevron as an Exploration & Production Policy, Government, and Public Affairs Intern. After graduation, she entered BP Energy Company’s training program in order to broaden her knowledge of the financial side. She continues to bounce around, in an upward trajectory within BP. She is involved in their Graduate Development Program and can offer advice about navigating opportunities.

This event was open to Notre Dame undergraduate and graduate students.


Kylie Minor is the Northeast Producer Services Mid-Marketer based in Houston, Texas. Prior to entering this role, she completed the Trading & Shipping Graduate Development Program with rotations in Structured Products Americas, Northeast Trading & Asset Optimization, and Southeast Origination and Producer Services. During her time at BP Energy Company (BPEC), Kylie has worked in both the financial and physical commodity spaces with experience in natural gas structured prepay and private equity backed transactions, marketing for the carbon offset natural gas product, and long-term cross-commodity and cross-region strategies. For the past two years, she has brought her regional expertise and commercial acumen to the Northeast Trading bench where she has optimized transportation assets and marketed natural gas across eight pipelines for producers in the PA/WV/OH basin.

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