Architecture and Climate Change: Grand Visions in Urban Planning

Monday, September 19, 8:00-9:00 p.m., Virtual

Architects play a major role in designing outdoor spaces to mitigate the effects of climate change. In coordination with others, they design spaces to reduce the deadly effect of urban heat and to absorb and redirect water after extreme weather. Rethinking traffic patterns and public transportation allows for more pedestrians in urban areas while reducing air pollution. All of this is done in the context of the culture, history, geography, and economics of each location.

Join us for a virtual conversation about projects in China, India, and the United States that are both functional and beautiful. Ms. Dou Zhang, director of the Sasaki Shanghai Office, will speak about some of the award-winning urban ecosystems that she has designed. She will use the Xuhui Runway Park project to explain SITES, a rating system similar to LEED certification used for buildings. Krupali Uplekar Krusche, associate professor of architecture at the University of Notre Dame, will discuss the work she is doing to create more resilient and sustainable cities in both the United States and India. Both will address the need for equity and inclusion, creating functional beauty in underserved urban areas for the benefit of all.

John Onyango, associate professor of architecture at Notre Dame, will serve as moderator. Prof. Onyango is also involved in research on the environmental hazards of extreme heat and flooding.


Dou Zhang is the director of the Sasaki Shanghai Office, and the initiator of Shanghai Landscape Forum and USGBC Leadership Award winner. She has led many award-winning projects in the past 22 years. Her dual background in both landscape architecture and architecture along with experience on master planning enable her to carry out grand visions as well as finite details, from landscape to a more integrated environment. Her recent practice is focused on public parks and urban landscapes. Ms. Zhang has served as jury member of many national and international competitions. She has also taught graduate design studio at Tongji University since 2018.

Krupali Uplekar Krusche is an associate professor of architecture at the University of Notre Dame. She directs the DHARMA (Digital Historic Architecture and Material Analysis) and DVARCA (Development and Advancement of Resilient Cities Alliance) research teams. DVARCA brings together scientists that are examining incremental changes in sea level rise with practitioners who are planning and building transformative cities that can act as net zero, positive green contributors in reduction of carbon emission and heat island effects on the climate. These studies are used to create comprehensive urban planning solutions on a regional scale for the site through faculty expertise at Notre Dame.

John Onyango is an associate professor of architecture at the University of Notre Dame. His research focuses on sustainability with a holistic approach to the creative practices at the building and urban design levels. His published work focuses on user awareness and energy conservation measures, the potential of recovering waste energy from everyday activities, and passive ground cooling/heating systems. He is a founding member of the Zero Energy Mass Customization Network (ZEMCH).

This event is co-sponsored by the Center for Sustainable Energy at Notre Dame (ND Energy), Notre Dame International (NDI), and Notre Dame's Beijing Global Gateway.

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