Phillip To Receive NAMS Young Scientist Award

William A. Phillip, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at the University of Notre Dame, has william_phillipbeen named one of the three recipients of the 2014 North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Young Membrane Scientist Award. The award, which will be presented at the NAMS annual meeting in Houston, Texas, in May, is given to individuals within the first two years of their first academic appointment in recognition of their achievements to date as well as their outstanding potential in membrane science and technology.

Phillip’s research areas include membrane materials and fabrication, mass transfer, structure-property-performance relationships in membrane systems and chemical separation processes at the water-energy nexus. He has served as a faculty member since 2011.

In addition to this most recent award, Phillip has received the 3M Nontenured Faculty Award from the 3M Corporation and is a coauthor of a Top Cited Paper for 2010 and 2011 from the Journal of Membrane Science.

A member of NAMS, the American Chemical Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers and American Physical Society, Phillip has also published several high-profile papers in Science, Nano Letters, Journal of the American Chemical Society, the Journal of Membrane Science and other prestigious journals.

A 2004 graduate of the University, Phillip received his doctorate in chemical engineering from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities in 2009.