
"Drawn To STEM: The Integration of Visualization Into Education Through Comics and Animation To Improve Learning" by Luke Landherr

Landherr L

The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering welcomes Luke Landherr, COE Distinguished Teaching Professor and Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies in Chemical Engineering at Northeastern University, for a Fall 2023 Thiele Lecture titled "Drawn To STEM: The Integration of Visualization Into Education Through Comics and Animation To Improve Learning". All are welcome to join the CBEGSO for a reception with light refreshments at 10:15 a.m. in Hesburgh Library Scholars Lounge to meet the speaker, prior to the start of the seminar at 11:00 a.m.


One of the major obstacles to effective learning in STEM is the abstract nature of many core STEM concepts. While traditional approaches include examples of real-world applications, demonstrations, and/or hands-on experimentation, the depth and complexity of these concepts can cause such efforts to be unsuccessful. Further exacerbating the problem, some theoretical concepts do not have obvious visual representations that could make the concepts less abstract and therefore more comprehensible to students.

The benefits of broadening visual instruction in education are not just restricted to learners with particular inclinations toward visual learning. Studies have shown that combining text with images improves students’ retention of information, and multimedia presentations of concepts allow for better transfer of the gained knowledge towards solving problems. In short, increasing the visual content of STEM instruction promotes students’ conceptual understanding.

Recently, the use of comics and animation as learning tools has grown dramatically, with a broad set of artists, book series, and videos all dedicated to integrating visualization into educational approaches. This seminar will focus on the range of techniques being used; the potential of comics and animation in improving student enthusiasm, confidence, and understanding; the impact of these techniques observed thus far; and the means by which other educators can attempt visualization techniques on their own.


Dr. Luke Landherr is a COE Distinguished Faculty, teaching professor and the associate chair for undergraduate studies of chemical engineering at Northeastern University. They conduct engineering education research into novel visual teaching techniques for undergraduate and K-12 STEM education. Their comics to teach complex science and engineering concepts have been adopted by colleges and high schools throughout the U.S., U.K., Belgium, and Denmark, and they helped to write and create the Crash Course: Engineering video series. They are currently a regular contributor to the Chemical Engineering Education journal producing the Drawn To Engineering comic, and have received multiple AIChE and ASEE awards for their work.

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