
Connecting our World Using Science: A panel discussion | Nieuwland Lecture Series

Sandeepravindran High Res 1

Reception to precede event at 6 p.m. in the Jordan Hall Galleria

Join our panel discussion with special guest Sandeep Ravindran, Ph.D., and explore how science communications professionals help people understand the world around them, promote scientific literacy, build trust in science, and influence public policy.

Ravindran is a Washington, D.C.-based writer, and earned his doctorate from Stanford University in microbiology and immunology. He has covered life sciences and technology for The New York Times, Smithsonian, The Scientist, Nature, Science, and others.

He will be joined by other panelists including:

Tracy Kijewski-Correa, Ph.D.

William J. Pulte Director, Pulte Institute for Global Development; professor of engineering and global affairs; and academic director, Keough School Integration Lab, Notre Dame

Jill Pentimonti, Ph.D.

Director of Research Advancement, Notre Dame

Heather Boyd, Ph.D.

Research Development Program Director, Notre Dame

Joseph Dits, B.A.

Outdoors/Nature Writer and Reporter, South Bend Tribune

Deanna Ferrell, M.A.

Sr. Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications, Notre Dame College of Science; term assistant teaching professor

Sponsored by the College of Science, the Glynn Family Honors Program, and the Gallivan Program in Journalism, Ethics and Democracy

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