
Technical Career Pathways at Los Alamos National Laboratory by E. Miller Wylie

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Join the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences for a seminar featuring E. Miller Wylie (Ph.D. ‘14), Acting Deputy Group Leader for Actinide Analytical Chemistry at Los Alamos National Laboratory.


Miller Wylie will discuss technical career opportunities at Los Alamos National Laboratory with specific focus on avenues beyond the typical postdoctoral pathways through the examination of a variety of technical capability descriptions and personal experiences. The overall information offered is generally applicable across other U.S. Department of Energy sites when searching for technical positions in research/support organizations.


E. Miller Wylie graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2014 with a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences with a focus in actinide materials. He is currently a Technical Project Manager at Los Alamos National Laboratory supporting the Program Project Interface Division. The Division has the responsibility to represent the interests of program owners and ensure achievement of program objectives through the success of capital and equipment projects by partnering with program offices and the project execution stakeholders. One of his current focus areas is talent acquisition to increase mission capability at the laboratory. Miller began working at Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2016 as a staff scientist after completing a postdoctoral position in Environmental Radiochemistry at Clemson University. Wylie received his Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame in 2014. 


Please contact Diane E. Westerink, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, at 574-631-4005 or

Sponsored by Challenges and Innovation Seminar Series in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences