
2022 Notre Dame Fall Core Facility Fair

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Notre Dame Research will host the 2022 Fall Core Facility Fair as an in-person event. Snacks will be provided. There will be giveaways, including a large prize drawing.

The Materials Characterization Facility (MCF) will be one of the featured core facilities at the event. The MCF provides world-class equipment and instrumentation to support scientific advancements of new or improved sustainable energy technologies and systems, as well as the characterization and synthesis of any new materials. Characterization capabilities exist across a wide range of materials analysis, including surface, crystallographic, photovoltaic, electrochemical, trace gas molecule detection, rheometry, dynamic mechanical testing, and tribology. The MCF welcomes users from Notre Dame, other academic institutions, and corporate partnerships. Its mission is to provide researchers with high quality data, excellent training, customer service, education, and instrument acquisition.

For more information about core facilities and research resources at Notre Dame, visit Notre Dame Research