
Sustainability and Innovation Series: Reinventing CSO Solutions Through Intelligent Urban Watersheds

South Bend is subject to a federally enforced mandate to implement a long-term plan requiring the City to make certain prescribed changes to its combined sewer system. This represents the single biggest Public Works project ever attempted by the City; when fully financed and repaid the cost of this project would be more than one billion dollars- $10,000 for every man, woman and child. Recognizing and fully embracing the importance of the project to the environment, yet constrained by simply not being able to afford the plan, the City has devised its own alternative- a smarter, greener alternative that will save hundreds of millions of dollars yet still attain the same environmental benefit. 

Kieran Fahey is the City of South Bend’s combined sewers long-term control plan Director. A native of Ireland, he previously spent a decade with the Irish EPA. He also worked with the Irish Government’s Department of Agriculture and as a senior expert consulting on a range of environmental engineering assignments throughout the European Union and Middle-East.

Kieran is currently reimagining, rewriting and renegotiating the remaining 85% of South Bend’s $860 million CSO long-term control plan. He is an environmental scientist and engineer (International Professional Engineer) and he lives in South Bend.

Sustainability and Innovation Series 2019 is sponsored by the IU South Bend Center for a Sustainable Future