
"Energy Markets," by Vijay Gupta

Vijay Gupta

Vijay Gupta from the Department of Electrical Engineering will be discussing energy markets as part of the Resiliency & Sustainability of Engineering Systems Fall Seminar Series.

Professor Gupta's current research interests are in the analysis and design of cyberphysical systems. Such systems are the next generation of engineering systems and involve tightly coupled control, communication, and processing algorithms. Applications include structural health monitoring, medical devices, and smart power grids.  A systematic design theory for such systems will include a joint design for problems usually studied as separate disciplines, including control, networking, processor scheduling etc. Funded research initiatives include control algorithms for time-varying and uncertain processor availability, network protocol design for distributed control, and estimation oriented approaches for network information theory.

Seminar sponsored by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Fall Seminar Series Schedule