
Case Competition - Future of Transportation


The Fuels Institute, a multi-industry think tank, is hosting its 2nd Annual Future of Transportation case competition. Finalists will be flown to San Francisco, CA, April 28-29, 2016, to present to industry executives for final judging at the Fuels Institute Annual Meeting. Benefits include cash prizes, publication and networking opportunities.

Submit abstract (Statement of Intent) by MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2015.

The Challenge

Part I – What if you were able to simply press the figurative “reset button” on America’s ground transportation sector? The challenge before you is to envision and create an ideal future transportation (mass transit and consumer vehicles) sector. How will consumers move from point A to point B within an urban, suburban and rural setting? What sustainable fueling options would be used in each area? Who are the stakeholders (automakers, consumers, etc.) in your revised vision? Whatever you envision, how does that affect vehicle ownership, vehicle use and fuel demand?

Part II – Once you’ve thoroughly developed your idea, how do we take that vision and make it a reality within the next 30 years based on the current infrastructure of America? How will it affect today’s stakeholders moving forward? Who does it help and who does it hurt? How will your new infrastructure be funded and is it financially sustainable? What are your plans weaknesses and how will you overcome them to reach your goal within the next 30 years?

The future is in your hands.

For more information, please view the Future of Transportation Case Competition flyer.pdf or visit: