
Research in Sustainable Energy for sub-Saharan Africa

The Case Western Reserve University – University of Botswana program on Research in Sustainable Energy for sub-Saharan Africa will be held at the University of Botswana in Southern Africa from May 20 to June 17, 2013. This international research experience is funded by the National Science Foundation and is open to undergraduate students majoring in science or engineering.

Participants will work on research projects within the theme of sustainable energy relevant to the desert environment that characterizes Botswana and much of Africa – specifically, solar and wind energy and biofuels from plants that thrive in arid conditions. The program also includes professional development, cultural, and social activities. 

The program is led by Prof. Daniel Lacks and Prof. Mohan Sankaran, from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University, in collaboration with faculty from the University of Botswana. 

The deadline for applications is March 15, 2013.