Support ND Energy


ND Energy and its community of energy-interested researchers, educators, groups, and organizations work in partnership to develop innovative ideas and new technologies to create a cleaner, more sustainable energy future for all. We invite you to browse the ND Energy website to learn more about our research, education and outreach programs in support of ND Energy's mission and the University as a whole. 


If you are interested in supporting these efforts directly, please click here. We welcome your comments on specific areas of research or education that you would like to support. 

Whether you are planning to make a one-time gift or an ongoing donation, please know that we truly appreciate your interest in energy research and education at Notre Dame and look forward to reaching our goals with the help of your support.


If you would like to speak with someone in more detail about ND Energy’s goals and objectives or areas that have the greatest need for support, please contact Ian Lightcap, Research and Facilities Program Director.

If you have questions about a gift of any kind, please contact Notre Dame Research's Academic Advancement Director. To give directly, please click here.