Notre Dame team among 10 awarded "Atoms to Products" grants from DARPA

EE Times reports that the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) has funded 10 projects, including one at Notre Dame, to advance new technologies to fill the gap in atomic-to-micrometer assembly methods that render nanoscale properties in macroscale structures. For the ND project, "Holographic Assembly of Reconfigurable Plasmonic and Photonic Elements" researchers are using 3D halographic assembly of nanoparticles lattices to develop microelement feedstocks with reconfigurable, heterogenous optical properties that can impart new functionality (like optical cloaking) at the macroscale.  Prof. Paul Bohn (CBE) and Prof. David Go (AME) are the lead principal investigators. Full EE Times story (Dec. 29, 2015).

Originally published by Heidi Heethardt at ND Nano on January 5, 2016.