ND Energy Participates in Science Alive! 2015

The annual Science Alive! event at the St. Joseph County Public Library downtown South Bend was a success for both the attescience_alive_aep_bikendees and the volunteers. Thank you to our partner, Mark Robinson from American Electric Power, for bringing the energy bike and working all day with us to educate children about sustainable energy.

Thank you also to the many Notre Dame volunteers. Dr. David Go's group was in attendance to teach about his work with plasma, and the plasma globe was a big hit. Members of Dr. Peter Burns' lab used their Geiger counter and a cloud chamber so students could 'see' radiation. Dr. Brandon Ashfeld's students showed how the carbon dioxide in your breath can change the color of a solution. Francis Rogg, an architecture student of Dr. Aimee Buccellato, taught about how different materials may provide insulation for your home. 

The many volunteers from the ND Energy Student Activities Board helped wherever they were needed and also performed a demonstration of the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide - a messy demo much to the delight of the observers.

Please see a copy of the South Bend Tribune article published on Sunday, February 7, 2015.  The highlighted text is the energy related demonstrations displayed by the Center for Sustainable Energy at Notre Dame.

