Potential Talent Meets Potential Energy

Art 2 Science 2018

The Jordan Hall of Science was bursting with budding scientists and engineers the weeks of July 9 and 16, thanks to the Art 2 Science summer camp, an annual initiative sponsored by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, Center for Evolution of Elements (JINA-CEE) and the Department of Physics at Notre Dame. ND Energy interacted with the potential talent by offering a project that combined the Magnus effect with potential elastic energy. Students experienced converting one form of energy into another while flying cups around the lab and testing variables.

After decorating the cups with interesting designs, students practiced their technique, balancing forward motion with the spin caused by the rubber bands unwinding. Comparing the distances traveled, participants discovered that the lighter Styrofoam cups floated upward better, while the heavier paper cups glided farther. Most of the winning shots were the result of wider rubber bands, but smaller hands seemed to prefer the thinner bands, an unanticipated outcome. The students went away with a better understanding of how the Magnus effect can curve a ball in soccer, baseball, and tennis, as well as save energy on ships using rotor sails.

Thanks to the following who volunteered to help with the event over four days: Neha Mehra (Schneider Group), Michael Quevillon (Whitmer Group), Tyler Spano (Simonetti Group), Andrew Schranck (Doudrick Group), Jessica Muhlenkamp (Hicks Group), Eimear Conroy, Sam Perry, and Tsuyoshi Kohlgruber (Burns Group), Hunter Allen and Lee Ngochi (Schneider and Hicks Groups).

Art 2 Science offers a full week of 24 separate activities plus an all-day field trip. The emphasis is on combining art and scientific inquiry and engineering for students ranging from 8-12 years of age. For more information, contact Micha Kilburn (mkilburn@nd.edu) at JINA-CEE.

View Art 2 Science 2018 Photo Album

ND Energy is a University Research Center whose mission is to build a better world by creating new energy technologies and systems and educating individuals to help solve the most critical energy challenges facing our world today. For more information, visit the ND Energy website at energy.nd.edu or contact Barbara Villarosa, Business and Communications Program Director, at bvillaro@nd.edu or 574-631-4776.